The exhibition
L’Oratorio di Santa Caterina all’Antella e i suoi pittori (the Oratorio di Santa Caterina all'Antella and its painters) in Bagno a Ripoli (Florence) will last until December, the 31.
Approximately in the nineties of the 14th century, in coincidence with the realisation of the paintings by Spinello Aretino, a large triptych by Agnolo Gaddi, today in the Uffizi Gallery, was placed above the altar of the Oratorio: it represented "Madonna col Bambino in trono fra i santi Filippo e Lorenzo" and, in the round frames of the cusps, Cristo benedicente and the characters of the Annunciazione. The temporary reallocation of the artwork in the Oratorio di Santa Caterina, recently restored, represents the main event of the exhibition.
This exhibition near Florence aims to temporarily reinstate the original conditions of the florentine church thanks to one of its most evocative features, thus celebrating the undoubted splendour of this place, both famous and secluded at the same time as a religious building as well as for being a treasure chest filled with important artworks.
The two most important painters of the last years of the 14th century in Florence and Tuscany, that is to say Spinello Aretino and Agnolo Gaddi, found themselves side by side in Antella, after having worked together in 1387 when drawing the projects for the sculptures of the cathedral of Florence and for the famous decoration of the sacristy of the church of San Miniato al Monte, where the frescoes with Storie di San Benedetto by Spinello were put side by side with the polyptych by Agnolo Gaddi, now shown in the National Gallery of Art in Washington.
The first-rate role played by Spinello di Luca in the development of late Gothic art in central Italy is pointed out in the exhibition thanks to the presence of Crocifissione tra dolenti e quattro santi. The definitive return to the Oratorio of the the fresco lunette Madonna col Bambino e due angeli by Spinello Aretino with its related sinopia, that Spinello painted above the entrance door of the Oratorio, is equally important.
Within the exhibition, it is necessary to remark the role of the relatively “minor” characters of Maestro di Barberino and Pietro Nelli, authors of the first phase of painting decorations of the Oratorio dating back to mid 14th century. Pietro Nelli's art is represented by an Annunciazione coming from a private collection and by round frames with detached frescoes, respectively representing Santi Antonio Abate e San Domenico, coming from the Franciscan building complex of Santa Croce in Florence.
Saint Catherine was particularly venerated during the Middle Ages and was considered the protector of judges and notaries.
Location and opening hours:
Oratorio di Santa Caterina all'Antella o delle Ruote, Via del Carota (Bagno a Ripoli)
15.00 – 19.00
Tuesday to Sunday:
9.00 – 13.00; 15.00 – 19.00
The exhibition is closed on December 25th only
(31th December: 9,00 – 13,00)
Standard ticket: € 5.00
Groups of 10 or more visitors , visitors over 65 years of age, Coop card holders: € 3.50
Students and school groups, families with children under 14 years of age: € 2.00
Free admission: teachers accompanying students, people accompanying organized groups of 10 people minimum, journalists with professional identification card, children under 6 years of age, disabled people with escorts, tourist guides, and public security officers