On February 14th at 3:00 p.m. women throughout Florence will be engaged in a flash mob in Piazza Repubblica. This event will be part of a global movement on that day to bring attention to the growing issue of violence against women and girls. Over 190 countries and 13,000 organizations will participate.
ONE BILLION RISING is the global campaign launched by Eve Ensler (activist and playwright from the USA) in this 15th anniversary of V-Day (a day to bring attention to violence against women created by Eve). Today, the statistics demonstrate that one in 3 women will be raped or beaten in their lifetime. When we look at the world population this means more than one billion women and girls. The title of this initiative of the 14th of February is ONE BILLION RISING.
Information on the event and the video can be found at: www.theglobaltheatreproject.org
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/events/105254802978476/
The event will begin exactly at 15.00 and last no more than 20 minutes.
Donations of any size will be collected by Associazione Artemisia for their work helping victims of violence.
Everyone wear black and red and/or pink.
Rain or shine. If the weather is not good... bring an umbrella, a hat and a scarf.
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