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Palazzo Vecchio: a guided tour by Vasari

A guided tour by Giorgio Vasari in Palazzo Vecchio.
Scheduled on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 10,00 a.m. - 11,30 a.m. (even during Summer).
The transformation of the medieval Palace into a Renaissance Court was mainly carried out by Giorgio Vasari, “architect and painter of His Serene Highness the Duke Cosimo”, between 1555 and 1574. Giorgio Vasari - author of Lives of the Artists, the first handbook of History of Arts – remembered that “the Duke had a very great desire that the palace, which had been built in a haphazard way in various phases, and more for the convenience of its occupants than in any good order, should be corrected. He wanted me to follow the existing walls and to make new buildings without destroying what was already there...” Who better than Giorgio Vasari can help visitors in understanding the extraordinary commitment he was invested with in creating Cosimo’s Ducal Palace? The explainer-actor who impersonates Giorgio Vasari illustrates to visitors the cultural policy decisions of the Duke and Vasari’s extraordinary skills in quickly realizing sumptous and richly decorated rooms for this Mannerist masterpiece.

see also tour of the secret passages>>
Information and bookings
Call centre ph. +39 055 2768224,
fax +39 055 2768558
every day from 9.30 am to 5 pm.
Open all summer.

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