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Concerts in August

Concerts in August

Here you have some great ideas for your summer evenings in Florence from 8pm until 10pm

“ContemporaneaMente in Santo Spirito” live music and video in Piazza Santo Spirito, from 8pm to 10pm.

- Friday, Jul 31st at 8pm the Half of Mary with voice, keyboards, guitar, bass. The music is between pop and rock

- Wednesday august 5th at 8pm COOKS NO PROFIT. Funkand jazz, rock and bossanova

- Friday august 7th at 8pm FERITOIE DELLA NOTTE in “Homage to Fabrizio De AndrĂ©”. Fausto Billi: voice; Stefano Naldi: guitar.

- Friday august 21st at 8pm THE MEETINGS MIND. Quartetto jazz sperimentale strumentale.

- Wednesday august 26th at 8pm CLEOPATRAS, all a girl band!

- Friday august 28th TOO MUCH BLOND, opening concert, the Velvet


Fresco painting classes at Palazzo Vecchio

Fresco painting between the 15th and 16th Centuries
Scheduled on Mondays and Fridays
at 11,30 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.
Of all the forms of painting carried out by the artists, wall painting is the most skilled and beautiful as it consists of accomplishing in one day only, that which can be touched up on many days in the other forms”.
This was how Giorgio Vasari explained the technique of fresco painting, known and carried out since ancient times. Palazzo Vecchio houses a great number of “in fresco” paintings carried out by Giorgio Vasari himself, and by other famous artists. Besides illustrating and explaining the techniques of fresco painting, the workshop also allows the participants to gain firsthand experience by painting a small fresco themselves, experimenting the various phases of the work on a natural terracotta base: from the spreading of the plaster to the creation of the cartoon, from the preparation of the colours to the actual painting. If they like, the participants can also take home their artwork at the end of the activity.

see also tour of the secret passages
and guided tour with Vasari
Information and bookings
Call centre ph. +39 055 2768224,
fax +39 055 2768558
every day from 9.30 am to 5 pm.
Open all summer.


Palazzo Vecchio: a guided tour by Vasari

A guided tour by Giorgio Vasari in Palazzo Vecchio.
Scheduled on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 10,00 a.m. - 11,30 a.m. (even during Summer).
The transformation of the medieval Palace into a Renaissance Court was mainly carried out by Giorgio Vasari, “architect and painter of His Serene Highness the Duke Cosimo”, between 1555 and 1574. Giorgio Vasari - author of Lives of the Artists, the first handbook of History of Arts – remembered that “the Duke had a very great desire that the palace, which had been built in a haphazard way in various phases, and more for the convenience of its occupants than in any good order, should be corrected. He wanted me to follow the existing walls and to make new buildings without destroying what was already there...” Who better than Giorgio Vasari can help visitors in understanding the extraordinary commitment he was invested with in creating Cosimo’s Ducal Palace? The explainer-actor who impersonates Giorgio Vasari illustrates to visitors the cultural policy decisions of the Duke and Vasari’s extraordinary skills in quickly realizing sumptous and richly decorated rooms for this Mannerist masterpiece.

see also tour of the secret passages>>
Information and bookings
Call centre ph. +39 055 2768224,
fax +39 055 2768558
every day from 9.30 am to 5 pm.
Open all summer.


Tour of the Secret Passages

There are places inside Palazzo Vecchio where time seems to have stood still and where it is easier for today’s visitors to relive the emotions of the past. Since 2000 the Museum has made many of these special places accessible to the public but they can only be visited by small groups accompanied by an expert guide:
The Staircase of the Duke of Athens - that is an escape route built inside the thick walls of the Palazzo between 1343 - that exits from a tiny door in Via della Ninna; the Tesoretto of Cosimo I and the Studiolo of Francesco I, the Trusses of the ceiling of the Salone dei Cinquecento holding up both the roof and the imposing gilded lacunar ceiling of the Salone dei Cinquecento.

Tour of the Secret Passages
Scheduled every day
at 10,00 a.m. - 11,30 a.m. - 3,00 p.m - 4,30 p.m
price: 6 euros.

Information and bookings
Call centre ph. +39 055 2768224,
fax +39 055 2768558
every day from 9.30 am to 5 pm.
Open all summer.


Music and wine at Grevepesa

Tomorrow evening at Castelli Grevepesa, close to Greve in Chianti, there will be the live concert performed by folk singer and player Clara Sanabras and Harvey Brough.
At 8 pm dinner, then music until midnight. Drinks and red wine in the break. Don't miss the Summer Festival at Grevepesa castels.
INFO Castelli del Grevepesa +39 (0)55 821911
Amici del Vino Toscano (friends of tuscan wine) 333 3355962
Tickets: 25 euros dinner included.


Night safari in a tuscan villa close to Florence, Italy

NIGHT SAFARI in Florence

THE COURSES: The pathways are three and wind throughout the company. Routes are specially designed to introduce you to the animals of the wildlife that live in our countryside and the animals of the farm.

THE WILDLIFE: You can discover and admire in their natural habitat: foxes, deer, porcupines, pheasants and many other curios animals.

THE ANIMAL OF THE FARM: A herd of Limousine cows, a bull and the Amiata donkeys. Those animals that live in the wild will captivate you with their friendliness and docility.

THE VEHICLE: The vehicle we use for the paths is a Land Rover Defender 110 with 8 seats. It has 9 auxiliary headlights so as better illuminate the tour and wheels suitable to reach the more inaccessible locations.

Exceptionally included in the “Night Safari” a visit to the charming Laghetto delle Colonne (small lake), situated at the heart of the estate, whose name celebrated the fact that the quarry at its centre is reputed to have provided the columns for the church of San Lorenzo in Florence. Among the many illustrious visitors, was Queen Victoria who sketched the lake of the columns while staying at the Temple Leader’s Villa

The tour is subject to booking
Fattoria di Maiano via Benedetto da Maiano 11, 50014 Fiesole – Firenze ph. + 39 055 599600

e-mail: maiano2@contemiarifulcis.it


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